Jaws of the National Park

The National Park Services contains a multitude of property in which a variety of animals call their home. Some of those species occupy the land of our national parks while some occupy the water. Today, we’re going to take a look at the occupants of … Continue reading Jaws of the National Park

30 Days of Positivity and Self Reflection

After being plagued with negative thoughts, depressing situations, and physical setbacks, I was forced in a corner to deal with the things I consumed in a multitude of extra-curricular activities. Pain stemming from years of hurt had finally begin to take its toll on me.  I begin to feel the pain I swept under the carpet for years not thinking that one day, the dirt underneath would spill out. All the pain I endured from family, friends, and spouses, to academic setbacks, and worst of all self-consuming hate, had finally met me face-to-face. I was no longer able to hide in the shadows of busyness. The more I fought to ignore them, the harder their hits came. In the midst of this attack, I got on my knees and pleaded to God to rescue me. I hit rock bottom feeling as though God was ignoring me, it was in that moment that I realized it was a part of the plan. I needed to hit rock bottom to see that all the pain I had hidden inside needed to be dealt with. Throughout my entire struggles, my thoughts became negative, my physical appearance became negative, and I began hiding in the shadows materialistic items. As I laid in my bed one night, God revealed to me that the way I was going to heal is through 30 days of positivity. He told me, “How I view you, will be how YOU view yourself at the end of these 30 days.” For the next 30 days I will start by day and end my day with “I AMs”. “I am a Conqueror, I am Handsome, I am a Child of God, I am not my struggles, I am more than enough, etc.” Not only will I start and end my day with those, but I have posted notes around my room to keep myself encouraged. One reads “Accepting defeat means losing your sense of self. Fight the fight! You’ll love yourself in the end for it!” To finally cap off my days, I will bask in deep reflection. I will use these days to get to know myself more! The only way to truly heal, is to deal with those problems instead of hiding from them. I hope that through my process, you are able to see that we all have obstacles we encounter, but the tools to succeed over them, lies within one’s desire to! I challenge you to take this journey with me! It will be one that you’d appreciate in the end!


With Great Love,

J. Brant.