Death: The Movie

Throughout life we often question what death is. As a kid, I couldn’t fathom the thought of losing one of my family members or friends. Any time I heard that someone died, I questioned the very thing people call “life”. The thought of death terrified me as well as it does for most people.

Since coming to college, I’ve really came into my own senses and my own perception of things such as death. We all are scared of death which is inevitable, but we’re also scared to succeed. Why is it that we will force ourselves to work a 9 to 5 when we really want to be singers, actors, and dancers? Instead of fearing this thing called death, we should be living life to the fullest making our death a true celebration. I’d rather someone cry because I changed their life than cry because I died not living mine.

Our lives are a movie and it is up to us to make sure the ending is magical, grand, and resonates with the viewers. If the actors in the movie aren’t invested in the plot then how good will the movie be? Create a plot that will show the viewers your movie had purpose! Show the viewers that you believe in the film and that you put your all into it. Your movie should be a movie that leaves an impact on the world. If you are not impacting people with your movie, then it will be another movie the crumbles in the box office and leaves people sad and disappointed. At the end of the day, we are given one life to live and one shot to sale our film. Instead of being scared that it will end, be happy that you were given the chance! Embrace death and use it as a pioneer to make your movie worth watching! After all, we only get one shot to make it a sellout in the box offices!


Joshua B. Caudle

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